Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Riding Without Stabilisers

A friend asked me what was wrong with the gold work that I did and removed on Sunday. I found myself struggling to answer. Sometimes these things are more intuitive than actual.

Students of Japanese Embroidery are encouraged to stitch with their hearts. This is easier said than done. When you are first learning you have to concentrate so hard on simply forming the stitch that the head is fully engaged but gradually, with practice, the hand learns how to do the stitch without conscientious thought.

I remember my first 'real' bike when I was a girl. What I remember most about it was the day that the stabilisers came off and I learnt to ride without them. A kindly neighbour, Fred, patiently followed me up and down the street, supporting the bike and offering words of encouragement. Eventually, I heard his voice still encouraging me but from a distance. I never new the moment that Fred released the saddle and let me ride solo; I never new the moment that my head stopped directing my hand and my heart began to stitch.

© JEC/Carol-Anne Conway

Today was the day that I realised I have started to stitch with my heart and I have begun to feel my mistakes before I see them.

Happy Stitching


Susan Elliott said...

Then that was a great day, wasn't it? Very great day indeed. I'm glad for you and yes, I know exactly what you mean. I go in and out of this place but I have been there once or twice...

Jane said...

What a lovely feeling to have-brings good results too

Jane said...

Well done, I'm so with you on this and understand exactly what you mean as well. Good feeling isn't it?

KV said...

A wonderful analogy, Carol . . .

Kathy V in NM

Elizabeth Braun said...

Sounds very much like learning to play a musical instrument too!! You can't put emotion into it to start with as it's just such hard work to get it right, but it comes later!!=)