Gold Work Sampler
© Thistle Threads/Carol-Anne Conway
© Thistle Threads/Carol-Anne Conway
67 hours to complete the silk motifs and a further 37 hours to complete the gold work. This sampler has taken far longer to complete than I anticipated. At times it was tempted to put it aside. Not because I was not enjoying it but because I am longing to get on with either my Japanese Embroidery or my beading. But I knew that if I put it aside I may never get around to finishing it and I very much wanted to finish it and I am very pleased that I persevered. I have had a lot of fun learning these stitches and for the most part I am pleased with all of them.
I really enjoyed doing the interwoven stitches and the plaited braid stitch variations. I am probably least pleased with the ladder stitch variations. If I could be bothered to take them out and redo them, I think that I could do a better job now but I am more than ready to move onto another project.
The Back
© Thistle Threads/Carol-Anne Conway
© Thistle Threads/Carol-Anne Conway
Happy Stitching